Do Frequent Flier Miles Expire When You Do?
Accumulated frequent flier miles can be valuable assets, but what happens to those miles after somene dies? Can a spouse or other heirs inherit them, or do the miles simply evaporate like a contrail?
Can a Nursing Home Hold Friends or Family Members Responsible For a Resident's Care?
If your loved one is entering a nursing home, you may worry whether you could be liable for their care.
What Are Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?
When you put your assets in a MAPT, Medicaid will not count the money in the trust toward its resource limit.
Majority of Adult Children Cannot Support Boomer Parents, Surveys Find
A recent survey finds that 55 percent of adult children say they are not financially prepared to help their Baby Boomer parents cope with rising inflation and living expenses.
No Will? You're Putting Your Kids at Risk
As the recent death of Anne Heche shows us, not having a will can place a significant burden on your children and cause undesirable complications.
What Is a Life Estate?
A life estate often comes up in discussions of estate and Medicaid planning. It is a form of joint ownership that allows one person to remain in a house until his or her death, when it passes to the other owner.
Plan Ahead Before Seeking Nursing Home Care: Avoid Unnecessary Debt for You and Your Family
Unfortunately, neither health insurance nor Medicare covers long-term care. Medicaid could become your only option, so do what you can to plan ahead.
Miller Trusts Can Help You Qualify for Medicaid
Even a modest monthly income may disqualify you from Medicaid. A Miller Trust may help you resolve this dilemma.
How You Can Help Your Loved Ones by Planning Your Funeral Arrangements
Planning your own funeral arrangements can assist your loved ones in an emotionally challenging time, while also protecting them from incurring extraneous costs.
Four Provisions People Often Forget to Include in Their Estate Plan
Even if you’ve created an estate plan, are you sure you included everything you need to? There are certain provisions that people often forget to put in in a will or estate plan that can have a big impact later on.
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I offer a free initial consultation. We can meet at my office in the Coconut Executive Center, 23150 Fashion Center Drive Suite 231, Estero, FL, 33928. We can also meet online if this is easier for you. If what I do sounds like something you’re looking for in an attorney, I encourage you to contact me through the form below or call me at (239) 266-5671.
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